Monday, February 18, 2008

Movie time again

I was going to review the movies I saw this past weekend, but we're super busy at work right now with my boss quitting and all (more on that later, I'm sure). So here's the condensed version.

27 Dresses: too predictable, pretty cheesy, but there are some funny and very realistic bridesmaid moments. Wait and rent it.

Definitely, Maybe: very cute, not the typical romantic comedy, which is good b/c it keeps you guessing, and it stars Ryan Reynolds--enough said. Definitely go see it.

U23D: more of a concert than a movie (we actually had to remind ourselves not to try and score the front row seats), actually this was better than a concert b/c you were literally on the stage with U2. Skip out on work or whatever you're doing as you're reading this and go see it now. I'm going to see it again this weekend. And again. And again.


Tiffani said...

Loved 27 Dresses & love cheesy movies!! I'll have to check out the other movie...I'm sure Tim would love it!

Jennifer said...

I have never even heard of the U23D. Saw 27 Dresses and Definitely, Maybe. Both pretty cheesy, but, cute.

RobinBrant said...

Did you ever see Juno, you slacker?

Rikki said...

Now I know which movies to see. I really wanted to see 27 dresses but that is good to know to wait until it comes out on video.