I know...blogging on a Saturday night = not cool. But I'm stuck in the airport in Atlanta for two hours as I make my way back to Dallas. And I have too many things to post about in the past month so rather than start tackling those I decided to post something really important. Like how many Elizabeth Austins there are out in the world.
I got this from my friend Rikki's blog, who is unique enough to not share her name with anyone else. I knew that my name wasn't so unique. I still remember seeing the phone directory for our dorm in college with everyone's full names printed. I think about 95% of the girls had the middle name Elizabeth or Ann/Anne. But I think I'm one of the few that still goes by the full name!
And it's been funny to hear people's reaction in Boston when they hear my last name. Wait...your last name is Austin? And you're from Texas? Did you make that up? Yes, in Texas they just let you pick your last name. :)
OK, more posts and pictures to come in the next couple of weeks. I'm buying a car this week and looking at apartments so first things first.
by the way, i'm so excited for your move! hope you are doing well and everything is falling into place.
Are you from Austin, Elizabeth Austin?
SO glad you are back!
72 people in the US named Lydia Wagner. 1 person in the US named Lydia Zedler, actually, that would be zero people. It's true. You lose your individualism when you get married. Kidding, people. Totally kidding.
There are only 11 Robin Brants in the US, apparently. I am pretty unique.
Only 8 other mes in the world - not too shabby! And I'm happy to note that 99.9% of the 40-some-odd-thousand Tricias are female. Wonder who the other .1% are...
Hope your move went well!
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