Friday, September 26, 2008

Austin in Dallas...I'm going to have to think of a new name for my blog

Because I'm moving back to Texas!

I accepted an offer with a law firm in Dallas working in the Marketing department. I am excitedsad to make the move. More on that later as I post about recent happenings. But it's happening quickly and I will be in Dallas next weekend. Yes, I have one week to pack. This time last year my belongings had been in a storage unit for two months while I hoped to move.

My parents are actually in Boston this weekend to visit. They had already planned the trip, but I'm sure they're wishing they had come earlier now that I will put them to work packing! :) Not because I'm an evil child, but it's pouring rain all weekend. I really wasn't kidding when I said it rains in Boston everytime someone comes to visit me.

So I won't be blogging much while I'm busy packing, moving, looking for an apartment, buying a car and trying not to lose my freaking mind. :)


Lydia said...

That's the best post I've ever read on this blog! :)

Juli said...

how fun!! what firm?

annalee said...

congratulations on the new job! i'm excited for you.

Megan said...

Counting safely and I'll see you when you get here!

RobinBrant said...

We are so excited to be getting you back, Slicky! Can't wait to see you!!!

Juli said...

i'm at a small firm in Round Rock. have several friends that work in dallas. you need to come visit austin, though!