Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Taking you back to English class...

I'm sitting here addressing envelopes for invitations to our customers and I come across this name: Ms. Alba Tross.

For real? It's like an intellectual version of Ben Dover.

I don't claim to be a literary nerd, but I do remember this poem distinctly from Mr. Goodenough's Senior English class. Actually, I didn't remember the poem; I remembered that we had to write a "burden" on a piece of paper and wear it around our necks for the day.

The Rime of the Acient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Ah ! well a-day ! what evil looks
Had I from old and young !
Instead of
the cross, the Albatross
About my neck was hung.

So apparently I am a nerd who got a kick out of this. I mentioned it to someone in our office and she said, "Isn't that the prison in San Francisco?"


Anonymous said...

You make me laugh!!
Anytime I need to take a break and refocus, I can always count on you or Bobby for a good one on the blogs!!
Love you, Kathy

Jennifer said...

I'm sorry, what was your teacher's name? Good'nough?

annalee said...

that is too great! haha.

Tricia said...

LOL! The second I read "Ms. Alba Tross", I thought of wearing that piece of paper around my neck. Interestingly, I can't remember my burden, but I can remember which shirt I was wearing.

Good ol' Goodenough. He did have a knack for making things memorable.

Lydia said...

I'm with Jen! Isn't the main irony is that your teacher's name was Goodenough?

Robin Brant said...

If it makes Alba feel any better, I went to High School with Anita Dick. No lie.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of English... did you mean the Ancient Mariner instead of the Acient Mariner? :)