Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I am obsessed with the movie/musical Once and even more so with the soundtrack. (I am also now obsessed with NetFlix, which is providing me entertainment sans cable.) I had heard of this movie, but never got around to seeing it in the theater. But I happened to be watching the Oscars in a bar and the shouting from some friends of the actors/songwriters when they won convinced me to rent it right away.

I'm a nerd and I watch every bit of the Special Features on DVDs. I love to hear the stories from filming, the ideas behind the movie. It is so simply filmed and so real because the actors are musicians, not Hollywood actors. If you haven't already seen this movie you must rent it and you must watch the movie commentary and the music commentary--it makes the movie that much better.


Tiffani said...

I'm putting it on my Netflix right now!

Megan said...

You have excellent tase of course. I loved this movie.

Megan said...

that's supposed to say Taste..not tase of course.

RobinBrant said...

I thought this was great too. Especially the soundtrack. I have to admit though, I had a wee bit of trouble understanding some of the dialouge...

Jeramie said...

That was the best part of the Oscars. "Tanks!"
Every time I hear someone talk about it(Once)I want to watch it again.